Eplan Platform API
Eplan.EplApi.HEServices Namespace / Masterdata Class / PrepareMacros Method / PrepareMacros(ICollection<Page>,Boolean,Boolean,Boolean) Method
Collection of pages for which macro preparation should be done. All pages have to belong to the same project and the project must be a macro project.
Group macro boxes with their contents.
Group contents of a page macro.
Activates handle for macro box. By this unwanted shifting of macro is prevented.

In This Topic
    PrepareMacros(ICollection<Page>,Boolean,Boolean,Boolean) Method
    In This Topic
    Prepares and groups all elements belonging to a macro box or page macro.


    Collection of pages for which macro preparation should be done. All pages have to belong to the same project and the project must be a macro project.
    Group macro boxes with their contents.
    Group contents of a page macro.
    Activates handle for macro box. By this unwanted shifting of macro is prevented.
    Pages collection was set to a null reference.
    Collection is empty or pages are not from the same project.
    Internal interface for master data could not be created.
    Macros cannot be prepared.
    See Also